You will find All my FREE crochet bucket hat patterns on this page. I have also included links to BUY Ad-free Pdfs for the bucket hat Crochet patterns too. That you can download and print it off to keep.
I just love the crochet bucket hat revival from the ’90s, so I have published a few Bucket Hat crochet patterns free on my online website crochet patterns free.
First up is the Original black bucket hat, my nephew and my daughter LOVE this one as it is a simple and classic bucket hat shape.

FREE crochet pattern for the Bucket Hat can be found at, or if you would like to see more of my crochet hat patterns please visitLisaAuch Crochet

My Daughter wearing the Classic 90s bucket hat, I made for her and her friends for the festivals this year. And how did the bucket hat have a revival, well After Mrs. Beiber said her bucket hats were not for fashion per see, they were for shading her face from the harmful rays of the sun. Fashion and beauty really do go hand in hand
Basic Crochet Bucket hat pattern PDF (Ad free) to Buy -BUY NOW

The next Bucket crochet pattern in the Series of trendy crocheted headwear is the Granny Square HEART Bucket Hat Pattern, I am personally obsessed with this particular crochet bucket that, cleverly entwines a crochet HEART in the center of a crochet Granny Square, and then added to the hat to make a heart square band around your hat.
YOu can find the Full written pattern to crochet the Granny SQUARE with the HEART – HERE
Or you Can BUY and AD free Printable PDF pattern HERE

The Daisy Flower Bucket Hat Crochet pattern was originally written out for a friend’s daughter, and she loved it and said I had to publish the Written crochet pattern.
And I also have a FREE crochet pattern available to crochet a matching Daisy Flower TOTE Bag.
The newest addition to my bucket hat crochet patterns is the multi-coloured scrappy bucket hat- It is a free crochet pattern on my website HERE
Or you Can Buy a Pdf Printable pattern Direct from Ravelry HERE – (Direct secure check out from Paypal)
Free Crochet Pattern Granny Square Bucket Hat
The last but by no means least is the Beautiful Woman’s bucket hat (Crochet PATTERN FREE) I just love the simplicity of the Bucket hat and the shaping is closer to the head, so this makes it ideal for those colder months, but still keeping Very stylish. The Granny Square Bucket hat was written and posted after a challenge someone sent me to make something cool with crochet granny squares. We love this bucket hat in our household.
Granny Square Bucket Hat Crochet Pattern to BUY
Granny Square Bucket Hat Pattern FREE – HERE

This is a FREE crochet Bucket Hat Pattern only available on the Website.
The Sunflower Bucket hat is made using the Sunflower Granny Square, It is made with 5 sunflower Squares with one on the top of the hat, and the rest of the sunflower squares are sewn around the bucket hatband.

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